Oona Pennanen fulfilled her dream of exchange studies in Prague

Oona Pennanen

Oona Pennanen, a graduate engineering student at the University of Oulu, recalls her exchange in Czech Republic with warmth. “I learned a lot about myself during the six months,” Pennanen notes.

Oona Pennanen
Studying abroad was a long-time dream for Oona Pennanen. During her exchange, she was also able to travel a lot: “I hiked around Tiské Stěny with my friends. The scenes of the first Narnia film were shot in the same place.”

For Oona Pennanen, who is studying engineering at the University of Oulu, going on exchange was a long-time dream. She had already known in her freshman year that one day she wanted to study abroad. When the opportunity finally opened in her Master’s year. She decided to put her application papers forward.

Originally, Pennanen was supposed to start her exchange studies in St Petersburg, Russia, but plans changed when Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began. Pennanen quickly decided to apply for an Erasmus exchange and reviewed the potential destinations located in Europe.

  • Finally, the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague, Czech Republic, caught my eye. The course offering seemed riveting, but I was also attracted by the historic city of Prague in the heart of Europe, Pennanen narrates.

A grant to support exchange studies

Before the departure, Pennanen heard from friends who had previously been on exchange that a local foundation supports students studying in northern and central Finland in their internationalization.

  • Many people tipped me off about the Riitta and Jorma J. Takanen Foundation. I looked at the application criteria and decided to apply and see what happens, Pennanen recalls.

According to Pennanen, the application process was smooth and straightforward. Everything was done online, through the Foundation’s website.

  • I was extremely happy when I received a message that I was awarded a grant. The grant helped a lot with unexpected costs incurred during the exchange. The grant may not cover everything during the exchange, but it helped me to buy airplane tickets and pay the rent for a couple of months, for example, Pennanen explains.
Oona Pennanen
Oona Pennanen got to celebrate her birthday at the Sakura-festivals at the university campus.

Eventful student life

When Pennanen arrived in Prague, she soon realized that she was the only Finnish exchange student at the university. However, meeting new people was easy on campus. Studies were lectured in English and other international students attended the courses.

  • While in Finland courses are typically more intensive and fast-paced, in Czech Republic we studied the same courses once a week for six months. The days were occasionally long, with laboratory exercises lasting up to six the evening, Pennanen compares.

As expected, Pennanen’s studies progressed during the exchange, as she chose compulsory courses such as environmental engineering and waste management. She also took a beginner’s course in Czech for her own pleasure.

Oona Pennanen
Oona Pennanen was able to travel to many different countries during her exchange. One of these was Hungary and its historic capital Budapest.pääsi seikkailemaan vaihtonsa aikana moneen eri maahan. Yksi näistä oli Unkari ja sen historiallinen pääkaupunki Budapest.

There was no a bored moment during the semester, as Pennanen participated many events and gatherings arranged by the Erasmus Student Network, where she met with other exchange students.

  • With a group of friends we made during the exchange, we travelled around Europe, including Germany, Luxembourg Bratislava, Hungary, Austria and Switzerland during our holidays, Pennanen lists.
  • One of the best hikes was to the German-Czech border, where there was a national park famous from the Narnia films. The views were truly spectacular. The weather also favored us, with the sun shining from a cloudless sky.

Unforgettable experience

What did you take away from your exchange in Prague?

  • I’m grateful to have made new friends from all over the world. I also feel much more courageous, independent, and daring to take more risks. I get involved in everything, and I’m not as much of a homebody as I used to be, Pennanen laughs
  • My language skills have also improved: although I knew English quite well before the exchange, I now have more courage to use it.

What would Pennanen do differently if she were to go on exchange now?

  • I would definitely get an ID card, as it was frustrating to carry my passport around all the time. I would also research living options more carefully in advance. I lived in a university dormitory, which I didn’t like very much. It might have been more comfortable to live somewhere else, but I didn’t have time to investigate this aspect during the exchange application.

Pennanen also warmly recommends the grant to anyone who is planning an exchange and needs financial support for their internationalization journey.

  • The exchange was an absolutely great experience. It was great to receive the grant to make this memorable experience possible.