Oona Pennanen fulfilled her dream of exchange studies in Prague

Oona Pennanen

Oona Pennanen, a graduate engineering student at the University of Oulu, recalls her exchange in Czech Republic with warmth. “I learned a lot about myself during the six months,” Pennanen notes. Studying abroad was a long-time dream for Oona Pennanen. During her exchange, she was also able to travel a lot: “I hiked around Tiské […]

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Exchange in South Korea was unforgettable experience for Anni Keisala

Anni Keisala

Anni Keisala, a student from Vaasa University of Applied Sciences, travelled across the globe to study. The capital of South Korea, Seoul, was chosen as the exchange destination. The trip was supported by a grant from Riitta and Jorma J. Takanen Foundation. Anni Keisala, studying International Business at the Vaasa University of Applied Sciences, decided […]

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Exchange study period in Mexico was eye-opening experience for Jarno Häivälä

Jarno Häivälä

Jarno Häivälä took exchange studies in Tijuana, Mexico in 2008, when he was studying at Vaasa University of Applied Sciences. A grant from the Riitta and Jorma J. Takanen Foundation supported the journey. Jarno Häivälä recalls his exchange studies with pleasure. “The best part was getting the confidence to use English and Spanish and meeting […]

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